1922 by J.M. Keune

The new product launch of 1922 by J.M. Keune is photographed in icon black & white. The campaign ‘Distilled for men’ is a line that pays hommage to the heritage, to a business born out of a laboratory. It is an ode to the craftsmanship of its founder and to craftsmen everywhere. It highlights the fact that out of all knowledge and products Keune has selected only the best of the best for men. And it is about purification, boiling things down to their true nature, their true beauty.

Trends. Distilled For Men.

In the second campaign we analyse the latest hair - & beard trends for men. We highlights the fact that out of all knowledge and trends Keune has selected only the best trends for men. We created a trend platform for all Keune barbers & clients.

Concept & Art Direction: Bas Manders commissioned by This, That & The Other

Photography: Paul Bellaart, Film: Bandit Amsterdam, Product design & logo: ...,staat amsterdam


WE Fashion


Hans Brinker Budget Hotel